“Armageddon: the End of the World as We Know it” Ascension, Be Here Now: The Present, Energy healing, Good Vibes, Healing, healing tools, Health of the Planet, hidden Agendas, History, intuitive knowing, Intuitive Listening, Learned Behaviors, observation, Political Division, Quantum physics, The f..., Spiritual wellness, TruthCandia SandersJune 14, 2019Armageddon, Black Plague, Creating a Better World, Dark Cabal, historical perspective, Illuminati, Ragnarok, RevelationComment
“The Evolution Revolution: What is Your Part?” Dreams and Portals, Good Vibes, Health of the Planet, hidden Agendas, intuitive knowing, Intuitive Listening, observation, Political Division, Politics, TruthCandia SandersFebruary 19, 2019Conscious Capitalism, Cosmic Cycles of Time, High Taxation vs Low, History, Karma, Karmic Relationships, Karmic Ties, Middleton Plantation, Parallel Lifetimes, Rand Paul, Revolutionary War, Ron Paul, South CarolinaComment